Australia’s largest supplier of certified engineered bamboo and rattan.
Modern Bamboo Poles Shutters

Traditional materials meet modern design

A growing trend in the world of architecture and design over the past few years has seen organic pole bamboo elevated to new heights. From Europe to Asia, industry leaders are turning their attention to reimagining how we view and use bamboo in the modern age. This is especially important as we look towards building and supporting global initiatives that will adapt to ongoing climate change concerns.

As a result, bamboo is taking centre stage in a range of commercial and residential builds in new and exciting ways, by using a combination of contemporary technologies and traditional techniques.

Ceiling Design

Through the clever use of pole bamboo suspended from the roof, designer Nattapon Klinsuwan has been able to both connect and divide the different serviceable areas in this Bangkok hair salon. Using a layered approach, the ceiling waterfalls down to ground level, helping to define the space and create a warm, welcoming feel. This design also addresses interior styling considerations, as the space is complete without the need for interior design additions.

Experimental Design

Not one to be confined by traditional design and structures, Realrich Sjarief from R A W Architecture created a whimsical, dreamscape design for a residence in Indonesia. The design separates the steel plane truss roof structure and uses thousands of bamboo poles to make up a three-story building. The hero of this project is the curved façade, featuring multiple columns of bamboo, some fanning out towards the sky in a cathedral vault style. The curved nature of this design is replicated inside, which is also made entirely of bamboo.

Architectural Screening

The use of pole bamboo in screening and fences has been popular for decades, however, now the full extent of its design possibilities are beginning to be explored. Wallflower Architecture + Design have recently used pole bamboo screening as a beautiful functional design element to wrap around a residential abode in Singapore. Not only is bamboo screening adaptable for Singapore’s tropical climate, but by using it in this way, the residents reap the benefits of filtered light and air flow during the day, and stylish privacy at night.

Structural Elements

Traditionally bamboo has been used to create low-cost homes in mainly rural areas, and recently high-end designs at the other end of the market, however, Malaysian architect Eleena Jamil believes bamboo should be seen as a ‘modern and everyday construction material just like bricks, steel or concrete’. Her proposal is to use bamboo to build permanent and comfortable contemporary homes in suburban areas by incorporating bamboo into the entire structure of her bamboo terrace homes. This includes using it for load bearing walls, balconies and roofing in an aesthetically pleasing and economical way.

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